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I literally played all endings in one day and I loved it!!!

My fave guy is def Emilio tho, lmao <3

It was awesome, I am a really really big fan of the artstyle and the setting, great game!


I like it so much <3 ...and! I was able to use my Russian reading skills O:) XD

Such a beautiful, delightful game! I've played through five endings so far, and I absolutely adore the characters, story, and overall aesthetic~


Holy heckng heck I LOVE IT!!! The soundtrack, art, time period, dialogue,  vocabulary, characters, inclusion -- it's so perfect I can't believe it even exists! *cries into hard liquor*

I think I just spent the last 20 minutes listening to Gio play.  So good and relaxing.  :)

I actually let him play for a long time in case there was some kinda hidden extra endings for that hahaha



I finally finished Gio's route and it was such a great ending! I loved everything about this game from the plot to the characters! I believe that you have made a truly amazing game and I am glad that I got to play it! Amazing job!

(1 edit)

I love this game so much!! Favorite character is Emilio. I also got all the endings and CGs! I am super in love with the art, soundtrack and storyline.


This game is getting intense! We've started to delve into more serious matters but the fact that you can still make this game so funny and amazing speaks measures about how much time and love you put into the game! Great job!


Can I find the walkthrough for this?

I'm loving this game so much!

Another episode in, another part done! I'm liking this game more and more and I have so much fun doing all the voices!

This game is so good so far! I love the characters and how well-written they are! I can't wait to play more! Good job!

SO. GOOD. I've only done one ending so far and I'm pretty sure I got one of the worst endings but I'm definitly going to play more. I love the art style, the feel, the time period, the characters, the dialogue, everything! I usually don't like visual novels but this one caught my eye and I'm so glad it did. Keep producing!


Everything about this VN is phenomenal. The artwork is lovely: textured but not overcrowded. The setting is such fun, the atmosphere and mood of the speakeasy is smooth like good chocolate. The characters are each one unique and well-developed, and I just love the old language (with that witty built-in glossary!!). I look forward to playing through all the characters because the story is so engaging that I feel excited to see the full creation. 

I wanted to say that among my very favorite things is the simplicity of the choice branching system. For one thing, it makes for easy replay if you want to view the different possible endings quickly. But what's really valuable to me is  the way it opens up thought about how seemingly small, innocuous words and choices can have a profound impact on the world and on other people. As you play the main character, you don't even realise at first how her words have affected other characters so strongly. Usually its the loud, powerful words that people focus on as being important. But in Alexei's branch (I haven't played the others yet), he is only able to hear the MC's strong words at the end if she has earlier on acted in a way that gains his trust and establishes herself in his eyes as thoughtful and caring. An early attempt at self-responsibility and a single expressed desire to end fighting between friends prevents Alexei from dying horribly in the end? What a way to say that it's the small things that matter! And the differences between those choices are so subtle! 

I love subtlety. Thank you for the creation of this beautifully touching, provocative visual novel.

Hello, I'm currently thinking about making a visual novel based game, and I was wondering what software you used to make this game, and maybe some tips for beginner game developers?


I'm not the devs, but I think they used Ren'Py, a visual novel coding language that's based in Python. It's free to use and available at


I LOVE this game so much! 

I love it, but, there is a problem with the quick save and save functions. It always says there's an error. I played for a long time, but then my progress wasn't saved, and I was so disappointed. I dowloaded the mac/OSX 1.2  file. Please fix!!!!!

(1 edit)

This game is really something. I played and finished the game in less than 5 hours, my god xD
But, seriously, this game is fantastic. At the start, the MC and the three male characters doesn´t even look like they are going to end up together, especially with Alexei. He was soooo different. But, OMG, his story and his ending was beautiful. I love more characters like Emilio, but the route of Alexei got me this time <3.


I played this game some months ago and how it struck me then still stays with me. It's distinct from the visual novels I played. The language is different, the characters are diverse and vivid. My favorite character is Alexei (whose backstory just  hogged nearly all my empathy), though I have a childhood bias towards character types like Emilio. Marie and Vivi are also adorable!


I love this game soooo much! I wish there were routes for Vivi and Marie through!

Delightful game, I played it a while back and I'm just now getting around to reviewing, but I loved the game. Characters were great, theme was great, art was great. My heart ripped at Emilios bad ending, which was terrible great. 

This game is fucking phenomenal. I love the characters and the art style. I played through all of the endings and I cried quite a few times lmao. 

Ugh, just finished playing through the entire game with all its endings, and it's just such a gorgeous, gorgeous game. The artwork is sumptuous and I absolutely adore the character designs (both visual and story-wise). I only wish that this game was longer!! The characters have so many wonderful psychological issues to work through, thematic points, and backstory to cover, that I really wished we'd gotten to see more of all of them. I agree with other comments in that I would've loved to see more choices and a more drawn out ending, as the ending in all routes definitely did feel rushed. I also felt let down by Alexei's bad ending (lol), since it wasn't quite as dark and heartwrenching as the other two. Emilio totally had the best endings overall, but Alex was adorable and Gio had such a compelling storyline. 


can you please tell me how to get alexei's and emilio's best ending??  T^T i cant seem to get them at all...

Very awesome game! Enjoyed it very much! Beautiful graphics and storyline!

Thank you for a great game!!!

Thank you for a great game!!!


Great game and loved the first playthrough. Did run into a few hiccups with the music skipping, the game seizing up, and a few typos but I'm really looking forward to another playthrough here soon. If you want to check out the one I just finished or any future ones I do you can find them on my Twitch stream channel:

I do really think additional routes for Vivi and Marie would be pretty awesome though and give use a chance to learn as much about them as I did with Alexei in this playthrough.

great game. love the art work <3


I love this game so much. More than you could ever know. I only wish that there were routes for Marie and Vivi because honestly they are both pretty hot ladies.

I really like this but- I got the Lethe ending- what the hell? I don't get it at all. There was only ever 3 choices and they were all dialogue choices. How did I get a bad end?

(1 edit)

I honestly felt bad that this is free. I wish that it was on steam so that I could contribute to the developers and artists! It's such a great game, with a great story and artwork! 

PS: I read that you can purchase the artbook and the original soundtrack, but my problem is, my card doesn't have USD. It'd be much better if it was on steam. 

Cheers to its creators!

i like that this is short and sweet? it was a really fun experience with great art to complement the great writing! every character seems to have a unique voice, and everything feels really well put together? well done!

This was well put together. Im blown away by the art style and, the atmosphere. Going to be doing a whole series on this!

great game . 

Hi, I have a problem. At the begining of the story, when Emilio says that women dont go war and Vivianne respond that he neither, the game crash. It's completely stoped, the cursor don't move but the music its ok. 

I quit it and download various times, using the windows vers and the all platform, but always stops at that point. What can I do to fix them?

Deleted 6 years ago

I'm on a mac as well and I am also having trouble saving. This is happening to me as well, unfortunately I don't have a solution, but it's good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this :/ 


Hey, if you're still having an issue with this - I posted an answer under MiunaShiroi's comment - hope it helps!

thanks for replying with a solution, I’ll give this a go once I have the time to, and I’ll comment once again if it works. Your help is greatly appreciated :) 

In case you (or anyone else) still needs help with this, it seems like the problem is permissions. First try the following: right-click on the program, chose "show package contents," then click "MacOS" and finally click "The Blind Griffin." This opens up the game; see if saving works. 

If it doesn't, try the following: instead of clicking the "MacOS" folder, go to "resources," then "autorun." Right-click "The Blind" and choose "Get info," scroll down and change the "staff" and "everyone" permissions from "read only" to "read and write." Finally, do the same thing for the file "The Blind" (I wasn't sure which file was the problem, so I changed both to be safe).  For whatever reason, I still get an error if I try to run the program normally (i.e. by clicking on the icon), but it works if I run it from the "MacOS" folder. Hope this helps!

I loved this story, moreso because of the way you've involved the reader so much. I don't just mean in story options but the ability to explore the dialect and colloquialisms of the time was wonderful and I had to use that quite a few times (I'm Irish, so I've never heard of some of these terms).

I played Gio's story, got la'more and I'm happy. I'm not even going to play any other path. I got exactly what I wanted and I love this game :D  I think I'm also biased though as my husband is American and talks to me just like Gio does, they even look the same heheh

^^ That was a fun game. Only played through one story, but I'll be back to try more.

I'm being consistently told I'm missing 'The Blind Griffin.exe,' and I have no clue why or how... Anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it?

From the art, character design, characters relations to each others, BGM, and the flow of the story : I trully adore it (although the romatic endings seems a bit in rush, but somehow covered with characters background story in Extra).  

And how I love the heroine's makeover (if the heroine wasn't stated as female, I would have predicted she will be an androginous or even non-binary character), and she remind me to Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby xD

Maybe it's just me overanalyzing, but I realized that : 

a. the LI's usual work attires are contrary to their own selves (Alexei's red shirt to his calm-collected demeanor + water-based magic, Gio has blue shirt vs his friendliness + "back to Earth" magic, and Emilio with green vest although his fire magic + hotheaded manner); but their New Year's suits, especially the colors of their ties, are compatible with their "true nature" and their magic specializations  :D

b. I can't help to notice that golden ring as heroine's POV background is somehow an irony for the Cycle of Revenge Ending, but a great signification to Ring of Promise Ending, and oh I can't forget the CG is pairing the happiest and saddest scene of each routes  :')

Last bot not least, the LI's POV when repeating the story and that New Year's Eve "infiltration" to the lab are much appreciated xD

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